Sunday, February 14, 2010

Aidan's African Riverdance

We have loved time with our team and set aside time to study African medicine before entering the jungles of Bundibugyo. We could not be more blessed with the team that God has given us. The time at Brackenhurst has introduced us to so many incredible people sharing Jesus through medicine across the continent. The children are doing great. You can see their little wheels turning as each day they process the new people, scenery, and foods. Patton is hanging out with some dear friends from Mali today. They have cars and a spiderman outfit! Lilli is having her first school session with Miss Ashley. She is so excited. She was most concerned to know if they have circle time and craft time at the schools in Africa. Aidan, being disappointed that he may not make the Winter Olympics growing up in Africa, and having little else to do as a 3 mo, has decided to take up another competitive sport. Enjoy the video.
Much love,

1 comment:

  1. OHHHHHH!!! this is WAY too funny! it didn't work the last time i was reading your blog. SO glad it did this time! it's HILARIOUS!
