Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Year of Thanks: 2010

Above is a short 3 minute video of our year. We have loved being here. Thanks for being a part of it with us. Thanks for journeying with us- story by story, day by day.

Yet, there is a great cost to be here. It costs relationships. We miss you: our family and friends.We have been misunderstood, witnessed witchcraft, and seen death and its impact on a daily basis. It costs time. We are up early working and go to bed late. There is no escape at home from knocks on the door and the needs of those around us. It costs money- our own and yours. Thank you for everyone that has and is supporting us. We could not be here advocating, praying for, or helping if it was not for you. Thank you for letting us be your eyes, ears and hands here.

We know it is the end of the year, so many of you are looking at ways to share how God has financially blessed you. Others of you just want a chance to be a part of what God is doing here. Please join us!

With the outgoing of the many missionaries who ran these programs, taking over as team leaders and with the incoming of new missionaries, our ministry costs for the coming year is going up- almost 20%. I know many of you are giving sacrificially. Thanks for partnering with us in such a way.

You can give through World Harvest Mission, which is tax deductible. You can give a one time gift or give monthly. Many give $25, $50, $100 or even $200 per month.

You can give by Electronic Funds Transfer (Easy and no financial fee to you or us!) at this website:


Thank you again and again. Many of you already give and many of you want to but cannot. Thank you for all the ways you support us! It is always hard to ask for financial help, but we do need it. We need it to be here. Beyond the practicality of money, it also means the world to us to have you partner by giving from your time and resources that it takes you to earn your paycheck. It makes the ocean seem somehow smaller. It lets us know we are not here alone.

We love you.

Have a Merry Christmas,

Travis and Amy

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome representation of all that God is doing through you there in Bundi. The pictures are incredible; your children's smiles are the stuff that make angels sing and bring gladness to the hearts of men. Thank you for laboring in such tangible, sacrificial ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus and for allowing us to participate in a small way as we cheer from the sidelines. Praying for a peaceful, lovely Christmas season for you all.

    With love,
