Sunday, March 20, 2011

Kids...and I don't mean my own.

Our house often smells stinky...
Our house is noisy with the bleatings of kids...
My flowers are eaten on a constant basis...
Our side yard is overgrown with fodder food...
...because the goats for the Matiti Give-A-Goat are housed in our yard.

But when I think of all the motherless infants who will benefit from the milk produced by these goats, I don't mind so much. And when I get to hold a baby goat who is one day old, I am glad for those stinky, noisy, munching...and cute goats.

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted a pet cow and goats...just for fun :) I love that I'll be able to enjoy these critters in Bundi!
